What’s On

Events in April 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
02/04/2024(2 events)

11:30 am: Emerging Change Ringers - ART Level 2 - Hunting

12:15 pm: Developing Change Ringers - ART Level 2 - Hunting

03/04/2024(1 event)

2:00 pm: Young Ringers - Easter Holiday Ringing

04/04/2024(2 events)

11:00 am: Treble Bob Workshop - Please book a place on this workshop

12:00 pm: ART Levels 3 Understanding and introducing Stedman

05/04/2024(1 event)

12:00 pm: Solo Practice with the simulator - PLEASE CHECK THIS SESSION IS RUNNING BEFORE ATTENDING

06/04/2024(1 event)

9:00 am: Introducing ringing with others ART Level 1

09/04/2024(2 events)

11:30 am: Emerging Change Ringers - ART Level 1 & 2 Call Changes

12:15 pm: Developing Change Ringers - ART Level 3 - Call Changes

10/04/2024(1 event)

2:00 pm: Young Ringers - Easter Holiday Ringing

11/04/2024(2 events)

11:00 am: Treble Bob Workshop - Please book a place on this workshop

12:00 pm: Double Norwich Court Bob Major

12/04/2024(1 event)

12:00 pm: Solo Practice with the simulator - PLEASE CHECK THIS SESSION IS RUNNING BEFORE ATTENDING

13/04/2024(1 event)

9:00 am: Introducing ringing with others ART Level 1

16/04/2024(3 events)

11:30 am: Emerging Change Ringers - ART Level 2 - Kaleidoscope 1

12:15 pm: Developing Change Ringers - ART Level 3 - Hunting Amongst the Bells

1:30 pm: Plain Bob Workshop - Please book a place on this workshop

17/04/2024(1 event)

5:30 pm: Young Ringers

18/04/2024(2 events)

11:00 am: Treble Bob Workshop - Please book a place on this workshop

12:00 pm: Ringing Cambridge

19/04/2024(1 event)

12:00 pm: Solo Practice with the simulator - PLEASE CHECK THIS SESSION IS RUNNING BEFORE ATTENDING

20/04/2024(1 event)

9:00 am: Introducing ringing with others ART Level 1

23/04/2024(3 events)

11:30 am: Emerging Change Ringers - ART Level 2 - Places

12:15 pm: Developing Change Ringers - ART Level 3 - Hunting Minimus to Doubles

1:30 pm: Plain Bob Workshop - Please book a place on this workshop

24/04/2024(2 events)

4:15 pm: Norwich School

5:30 pm: Young Ringers

25/04/2024(2 events)

11:00 am: Treble Bob Workshop - Please book a place on this workshop

12:00 pm: Grandsire Doubles and Triples

26/04/2024(1 event)

12:00 pm: Solo Practice with the simulator - PLEASE CHECK THIS SESSION IS RUNNING BEFORE ATTENDING

27/04/2024(2 events)

9:00 am: Introducing ringing with others ART Level 1

10:30 am: Surprise Major Practice at MRDC

30/04/2024(3 events)

11:30 am: Emerging Change Ringers - ART Level 2

12:15 pm: Developing Change Ringers - ART Level 3 - Hunting Oddities

1:30 pm: Plain Bob Workshop - Please book a place on this workshop

01/05/2024(2 events)

4:15 pm: Norwich School

5:30 pm: Young Ringers

02/05/2024(2 events)

11:00 am: Treble Bob Workshop - Please book a place on this workshop

12:00 pm: Kent/Oxford Treble Bob and other TB Methods

03/05/2024(1 event)

12:00 pm: Solo Practice with the simulator - PLEASE CHECK THIS SESSION IS RUNNING BEFORE ATTENDING

04/05/2024(1 event)

9:30 am: Norwich Diocesan Association of Ringers AGM - No events in MRDC
