Fridays – Simulator Sessions
Every week from 12:00am to 2:00pm
The facilities available at the MRDC mean that the training bells can be used for solo practice.
The software and hardware tools available mean that an individual ringer can practice on their own and ring with virtual ringers on the screen who can ring anything, however complex. By using headphones, we can simultaneously have multiple ringers, each practicing something different.
If you are familiar with the practicalities of solo practice, you are welcome to drop in and set yourself up to practice on your own.
If you are curious as to how this might benefit you, there is always someone there who can help you take the first steps. The initial steps can be a little daunting, but perseverence can lead to a very rewarding and satisfying means of practice, whatever you skill level.
It is recommended to check before attending, just in case local circumstances mean that a session is cancelled and it is very helpful to let us know that you are coming by dropping and email to