Emerging Change Ringers - ART Level 2 - Kaleidoscope 1


Kaleidoscope 1 - ART level 2 - for Emerging Change Ringers

This session is designed for our emerging change ringers with a good basis technique, you will already have learned to handle a bell and you are ringing rounds you are looking to build the skills that are essential for further progression.

Practicing these skills so they are automatic in your ringing.

What is kaleidoscope ringing?

Kaleidoscope ringing is a series of exercises made within two places. Places and dodges are usually started at handstroke, but they could also be called to take effect at backstroke. Try to practise both.

Kaleidoscope ringing differs from call changes in two ways:

  • You only move one place (up or down) from your starting position – the ropesight is easier.
  • You continue making the change until told to stop – developing your bell control.

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