Week of Jun 13th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
11/06/2024(3 events)

10:30 am: Learn to ring - Only available to those who book

11:30 am: Emerging Change Ringers - ART Level 2 - Hunting

12:15 pm: Developing Change Ringers - ART Level 2 - Hunting

12/06/2024(2 events)

4:15 pm: Norwich School

5:30 pm: Young Ringers

13/06/2024(1 event)

12:00 pm: Matter of Principle

14/06/2024(1 event)

12:00 pm: Solo Practice with the simulator - PLEASE CHECK THIS SESSION IS RUNNING BEFORE ATTENDING

15/06/2024(1 event)

9:00 am: Introducing the Skills you need to Plain Hunt ART Level 2


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